Montag, 31. Juli 2006

Email von George aus der Beqaa-Ebene

Es folgt eine weitere Email von unserem Freund George, der uns seit Kriegsbeginn ueber das Geschehen im Libanon und speziell in der Beqaa-Ebene berichtet:

Dear Friends and Family,

Peace greetings from the land of strife and violence!
I am close to my computer now trying to find some encouragement from
friends like you. My hands are trembling as seven air strikes hit the
area next to us. It is only 3 km away from our house. Our house and
the whole Schneller campus were shaking. Earlier today the road to the
lake south of us was hit three times. It is really terrible!

I woke up today to listen to the news and I saw our Aljazeera reporter shaking and crying. Our professional highly trained reporter couldn't handle what he was seeing. In a village called Cana, South of Lebanon, more than 60 people were hiding in a bomb shelter when suddenly 3am at night, Israeli warplanes brought the building down, killing more than 55 civilians, most of them children under 10 years old. Bodies are still being recovered as I write this, I already corrected the above number twice as it keeps increasing.

Qana or Cana, is greatly regarded by theologians as the same Qana where Jesus turned water into wine. Jesus' first miracle, brought laughter and joy to the wedding party. Today, water was turned into blood.

In 1996 the same village witnessed a mass genocide in which more than 100 people died within a couple of minutes due to an Israeli attack.

This is just one story of several thousand that is happening all across Lebanon. Condelliza Rice was and still is in Israel yesterday. Why was she there? To stop the war or to confirm that the new weapons and bomb shipment sent out by the US to Israel a couple of days ago arrived safely?

What really strikes my heart is that I know that behind all this. Behind all the support to Israel. Behind all the funding for creating a war, are American Evangelicals not so far from what I believe, except they have a big big mistake, called Christian Zionism based on what is known as End-time theology. In short, it basically turns completely over what Jesus taught and says that Israel is still God's chosen people and the only way to be a Christian is to support Israel in every way possible. Imagine, collecting offerings in your church to give Israel in order for it to continue its war on Lebanon, Palestine and in the future, other surrounding countries.

Jesus the peacemaker, the one who turns water into wine, not water into blood. When will they realize this?

We know that Israel wants to stop the war. They don't want to fight anymore, but the US is not allowing them!

Please pray for wisdom to all parties involved in this war. Especially to Pres. Bush and Mrs Rice who have full control of what is happening.

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

NO FUCKING STONE AGE MUSLIM MORON WILL EVER TELL US HOW TO LIVE IN OUR FUTURE .THIS IS WHY WE ARE PULLED INTO THIS STUPID WAR. WE WANT TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE BOOK ON OUR LIBRARY, BESIDES THE KORAN. IT IS THIS SIMPLE. The time has come for Europe to see the reality and moreso to ACT as a unified forum against these NON Political fanatics ,but confront them on what they are ....."Terror minded stone age oppressors" whithout the rights of woman and or indiveduals./

Anonym hat gesagt…


Anonym hat gesagt…

Der Brief scheint mir ein erschütterndes Zeugnis dafür zu sein, wie ein erlittener Krieg die Wahrnehmung trübt.
Verschwörungstheorien von Evangelikalen, die Israel zwingen weiterzukämpfen, die völlige Ignoranz der Hisbollah-Taktik, möglichst viele libanesische Zivilisten zu opfern...
Traurig. Ich wünsche Ihrem Freund Wohlergehen und eine friedliche, das klare Denken fördernde Zukunft.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo, Boche

der Brief ist allerhöchstens Zeichen das der Mann den newsletter von erhält und vollständig bei Verstand ist, während ich allerdings Deine Äußerungen zu Heznollah-Taktik leider nicht mit einem Krieg entschuldigt sehe.

"Despite mounting international criticism, growing divisions within Israel and sharp operational disappointments on the ground, Israel's military campaign in Lebanon continues to enjoy unwavering support from the Bush administration and from traditional pro-Israel circles in Washington, including a wall-to-wall coalition of Jewish organizations. The Bush administration's unwavering support stems from its perception of this war as a front in America's ongoing confrontation with Iran. Several senior administration officials in recent days told officials with major Jewish groups that they view the war as one against Iran's attempt to increase its influence in Lebanon and as part of a battle to block Iran's influence in the Middle East at large." []

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo shual,

natürlich sind Hisbollah-Angriffe auf israelische Zivilisten, durchgeführt aus Ortschaften voller libanesischer Zivilisten heraus, kein Grund für israelische Gegenwehr.
Wie ich schon an anderer Stelle schrieb, sollte Israel den Norden seines Landes räumen und für Raketenzielübungen der diversen interessierten arabischen Nachbarn zur Verfügung stellen.

Dein Zitat ist übrigens kein Beleg dafür, dass Israel von bösen amerikanischen Evangelikalen zum Krigeführen gezwungen würde.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo Boche,

es nicht zugelassen wird das Israel aufhört. ist immer für die einfach getrickten Leute. Auf diplomatischem Parkett lautet die Formel: "The United States and Britain opposed the push for a quick cease-fire, saying any truce should ensure that Hezbollah no longer is a threat to Israel and should ensure a durable peace." [Rom vor ner Woche], wobei Rice jetzt jeder Woche sagt, das es am Ende der Woche so weit sei.

Genauso wie wenn Du einen Kumpel hast der Alkoholiker ist und Du schnell um die Ecke für ihn einen Sixpack kaufst ist die schöne USA zu ihrem Freund Israel.

Und achja, Boche. Ich jeher einer der vehementesten Verfechter der Forderung die Hezbollah zu entwaffnen (auch mit militärischen Mitteln). Und wenn dem Nasrallah ein Böbchen aufs Köpfchen fällt würde ich mit Sekt anstoßen. Das bedeuted natürlich nicht das ich den shit den Adam und Lamettageneral Halutz hier auf Kosten der israelischen Bevölkerung abziehen unterstützen muß. Im Gegenteil. Diese Schande muß sofort gestoppt werden.