Hier die Mail eines uns bekannten Schul-Direktors, die uns gestern aus dem Libanon erreicht hat:
What should I respond to my seven year-old daughter when she is terrified with the news and images of destruction of nearby bridges where we were traveling on hours ago, the demolishing and burning of our only airport that she was running happily in a few weeks ago? What should I say to her when a house and eleven people in it were all killed in one air strike? What should I say to her when a two-year old child was literally cut in two halves in a vicious air strike?
I was overwhelmingly silent! But I had to say something to my anxious daughter. I told her not to worry much and that it is a matter of days only. As I talked to her I was thinking of the upcoming meeting of UN Security Council in couple of days. I was so optimistic that the Council will put an end to this unequivocal and disproportional conflict. I thought of the great nations that are members of the Council with their rich cultural heritages of human achievements and concern for humanity.
I was completely shocked, greatly saddened and disappointed when the Council took no stand! Not even a symbolic resolution to condemn and stop the killing of innocents in Lebanon was contemplated. We were told that the Council needs days to think the matter over! I wonder what kind of thinking over is required when a power station is destroyed, when a civilian car is bombed on its way to a safe place, and when terrified infants and children are crying the whole night due to bombings in the neighborhood. I wonder whether these members have experienced the conflict tragedies in Balkan, Sudan, Rwanda, and other parts of the world.
I am not much interested in politics, but I am perplexed for the silence of the human conscience. Yet, I still do hope that the human conscience will be awakened someday. I am encouraged with the ability of the worldwide Christian church to speak about peace and to run seminars on conflict resolution, but disappointed with its ineffectiveness to work for a real and just peace, particularly in the case of the Arab-Israeli conflict. At the same time I am encouraged to know that many Christian sisters and brothers are concerned for our situation in Lebanon. They are praying and encouraging us, in spite of their helplessness to influence their governments.
We live in West Beqaa area and for the last sixteen years we have been involved in peace and tolerance education as we work with hundreds of students and families who belong to various religious backgrounds. Now we experience again the meaning of hatred and war. As I write these words I hear Israeli jet fighters bombing a nearby bridge and several roads, killing several civilians who happened to be walking by that road or driving on it. We are almost isolated as most roads to other cities and towns are destroyed. Our fear is that in just a few days, food, fuel, medicines and other similar needs will become scarce as the situation worsens and the sea, land and air blockage continues.
What should I say to my daughter? "My daughter let us keep praying not just for peace, but for the awakening of the human conscience." Would you please join me in such a prayer!
Sonntag, 16. Juli 2006
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2 Kommentare:
Es ist traurig, wenn unschuldige Zivilsten, sogar Kinder sterben.
Aber warum fragt der besorgte Vater nach dem Gewissen der Welt? Wo war sein Gewissen, als Raken aus seinem Land Israel beschossen haben? Er selbt hat zwar keine Schuld an der Tragödie, deren Opfer er und seine Famile sind, doch auch er trägt einen Teil der Verantwortung.
Was hat er gegen die Terroristen, die aus seinem Land Israel angreifen, unternommen?
Ich kann verstehen, wenn jemand sagt, dass er keine Wahl hatte, dass er zu schwach ist. Das die Hisballah viel stärker ist, und es sehr gefährlich wäre, sich ihr zu widersetzen.
Nun, es ist auch gefährlich - es muss gefährlich sein - sich dem Bösen nicht zu widersetzen.
Das sollte seit Dresden und Hiroschima bekannt sein.
Er hat die schreckliche Wahl, welcher Gefahr er sich stellen will.
Und er trägt die Verantwortung für seine Entscheidung.
Ich wünsche Ihm und seiner Familie, dass es für sie gut ausgeht.
@ die beiden anonymen:
Tut mir den Gefallen und fangt hier nicht an, wie bei "PI". Das Wissen um die Existenz dieser "Drecksseite" genügt mir!!!
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